Frequently Asked Questions

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Payments & Refunds

Please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. A representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.

Please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. A representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.

You should find this option in your profile settings page. If not please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. An ICT representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.


You should find this option in your profile settings page. If not please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. An ICT representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.

If you already have an account with us you should see the logistics unit once you are logged in on your dashboard. If not please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. A representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.

Please use the “RESET PASSWORD” option that appears after you’ve input a wrong password. A reset link will be sent to the email you used to sign up for your account. alternatively, you should find this option in your profile settings page . If not please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. An ICT representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.

NOTE: always enter the right password and user name. (tip: always use a password and user name you can remember).

If you are seeing a drop down notice telling you that the site is asking you to sign in, please contact our admin as this is due to additional security measures to protect your account. You will be giving an additional user name and password which you must input every time you try to log in from a new device.However if this is due to any other issue, please go to our contact page and send us a message detailing the situations you’ve encountered. Or call any of our care lines you may find on our contact page. An ICT representative will contact you as soon as your message is received.

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